Paul a bond-servant of Christ Jesus Romans 1:1-7

Paul starts the greeting with his name Paul which is customary for his letters.  He then continues with the phrase “a bond-servant of Christ Jesus”.

The first thing Paul wants them to understand about himself is he is a bond-servant.

Most english translations translate the word here doulos as either servant or bond-servant.

The word actually means bond slave so Paul is calling himself a slave of Christ Jesus.

This is a very interesting way for a man to describe himself.  Can you imagine walking up to to a total stranger and saying “Hi I’m Keith Powers and I’m a bond slave of Christ Jesus.”?

So why is Paul calling himself a slave right from the start?

To find out more listen to the study.

Our next book for study

As you all know I have been teaching from the book of Ephesians.  

We spent a considerable amount of time learning what Jesus did for us, how He made us into new creatures, and how He expects us to live as part of the body of Christ.

In March we will be starting on a new book to study.

We will be studying the book of Hebrews.  In preparation I would like everyone to read the book and write down any questions that they have.  Please put these questions in the offering plate so I can have them to help prepare for my messages.